
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

DIY Advent wreath

 In Germany we celebrate the four Sundays before Christmas as the time of Advent. Each Sunday we light a candle and sing a song to remind us of the coming of Christ - not that we are super religious, but I love this tradition and it helps me to be more rooted in the present.

The first Advent Sunday was two days ago (ahem) and I'd like to show you how we do our Advent wreath - it is pretty easy and makes a nice centerpiece for your table, even if you don't celebrate Advent as we do.

You need:

:: needle branches - we get ours from Home Depot, where they are left over from the Christmas tree trimming and free!

:: a straw wreath (e.g. from Michaels)

:: florist greening pins (e.g. from Michaels, in the florist section)

:: scissors and a little saw just in case

:: optional: gold tread and candle holders

Step 1: Cut the branches and pin them into the inside of the wreath. I like the ends and tips to overlap slightly and then pin them in place (no picture).

Step 2: Pin the outside, then the top.

Step 3: Have your little helper cut more green branches and stick them into any 'bald' spots.

Step 4: Now pin any wayward branches in place and loop gold thread around (I was out of pins, so that worked just fine!)

 Step 5: Position the candle holders and stick the candles on. Ours were a little loose so we glued them onto the holders with hot glue.

Step 6: Decorate your wreath with ribbon, cookies, nuts, ornaments, ...

Step 7: Have a cookie while enjoying your work!

 Sophia loves cracking nuts, so she saved some for eating ;)


The little leftover branches were stuck into our grapevine wreath on the front door. Pretty, no?

Last year we made a forest out of the leftover twigs by sticking them into blocks of air dry clay. Great for playing! What do you use needle branches for?

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